Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pastel Rain Boots

 These Marc by Marc Jacobs chunky rain boots are reminiscent of a paddock boot and I love them! - Yummy pastel colors and I cant wait! Just adorable is all I can say. check out more on the latest spring fashions..I think Nikki Ogunnaike is fabulous-www.glamour.com- P.S  these boots are not out yet however- we are on it - and will let you know when they will be!  www.marcjacobs.com

Pastel Rain Boots  



m/contributors/nikki-ogunnaike                                                             http://www.glamour.com/fashion/2014/09/spring-2015-shoe-trends-flats-sneakers-heels/1?prev=2000000003049024http://www.glamour.com/fashion/2014

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Michael Grogan Star Boxes™

He has done it again! Equestrians love Michael Grogan's Star Boxes™ and these are no exception. The first two photos in this line up are reminiscent of garden folly. While we dream of warmer days and yummy garden paths this star box is at home at Chanticleer Gardens. Whimsical,  genius, and imaginative they are made from antique architectural pieces that can include anything from coveted weather vanes, famous finials or antique wooden chock blocks from Fire stations. My heart skips a beat every time and especially for #9;!  Thank You Michael Grogan for sharing these with me - ( photo credits Stegall Imagery) for Chanticleer Garden in Pennsylvania- info.www.chanticleergarden.org for info on available boxes  - grogan interior design-jackson ms

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Middy N' Me and Thimblepress Valentines!

Middy N' Me™ and Thimblepress™ will always be My Valentine!
Dani Polen of Thimplepress™ models this adorable  Middy N' Me ™ half sleeve! A good shirt- is like a good friend -You Always love Them and this shirt is perfect! www.middynme.com for the shirts and for these fabulous Valentines - www.thimblepress.com